Индийский олеандр
...Cегодня по-русски...Нашла несколько детских фоток Шаха и Абхишека

@настроение: бессонница


An intro

Индийский олеандр
:pozit: :pozit:...Today I"ve given a birth 2 my diary. He's very young, & he doesn't know many things about this world.. He has 2 hear all my complaints, all my worries & happy moments. He's young & unexperienced,as I would say- he's empty now. But by the time he will be filled with thoughts, impressions & feelings of one woman- Amri, who's going 2 teach him all about her: likes & dislkes, what is hate, what is love, & what is life itself.
& If U're interested in it- U're welcome, regardless of gender or color.
Sincerely yours, Amri

@музыка: main hoon na

@настроение: Pozitiff